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Liberal Studies is the major of choice for students interested in careers in elementary school education. Under the federal legislation No Child Left Behind all prospective teachers must be “highly qualified” by demonstrating proficiency in their subject matter. The Liberal Studies major includes a core of lower-division courses designed to provide students with broad subject matter coverage to give them the foundation needed to pass the CSET and enable them to be well-prepared to teach. The five upper-division tracks allow students to build upon their strengths and interests and at the same time provide them with a connection to the core Education courses.

Preparation for Teaching

The Prepare to Teach Program is a pre-professional program open to undergraduates in all majors who are interested in teaching in California elementary schools. Through the program, prospective teachers begin to think periodically about subjects they are studying, gain early field experience in the schools, and receive an introduction to the profession that will help them make informed decisions about their own careers. The goal is to give prospective elementary school teachers information about state requirements that are best met when students are undergraduates and to advise on how to prepare to teach the required subjects in California elementary schools. The program is administered in the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs, 3111 CHASS Interdisciplinary Building, (951) 827-6427.

Integrated Program in Undergraduate Teacher Preparation

Qualified students have the opportunity to enroll in an accelerated program resulting in an elementary credential. Our goal is to give early deciders the opportunity to begin teaching their coursework earlier and be intern-eligible in the fall when they are assigned to schools. Students must take EDUC 001 and EDUC 002. Successful completion also requires careful course selection and a minimum GPA of 3.0. Advising is a collaborative effort between the Bridge to Teaching Program and the Graduate School of Education.

For Information about undergraduate requirements, contact the Advising Office in the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs, 3111 INTS, (951) 827-6427.

Information about UCR's credential programs can be found at the Graduate School of Education Website or at 1124 Sproul Hall.

California Teach-Science/Mathematics Initiative (CaTEACH-SMI)

California Teach-Science Mathematics Initiative (CaTEACH-SMI) has a goal of addressing the critical need of highly qualified K-12 science and mathematics teachers in California. With an economy increasingly reliant on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the anticipated large-scale retirement of qualified teachers, this is an essential time to explore and prepare for a career in teaching science or mathematics. CaTEACH-SMI at UCR offers undergraduate students paid/unpaid opportunities to explore STEM teaching as a career option. Through CaTEACH-SMI, students receive advising and mentoring to prepare for entrance into an intern teaching credential program while diligently coordinating with academic advisors to ensure completion of STEM degree requirements. The CaTEACH-SMI Resource Center provides future STEM teachers with material and financial resources to promote planning and professional development towards a science/mathematics education career.

For more information about the CaTEACH-SMI program, please visit http://smi.ucr.edu or at the Resource Center at 1104 Pierce Hall.